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Prints, Prints and more Prints

Prints are currently a hot trend both in fashion and home décor. We know that the possibilities are endless in apparel, but they’re no less when it comes to interior design as well. And just think about all the things you can do with all those old printed dresses lying around in your closet and […]

Contine Reading
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Color Phychology: Purrr-ple

Kings, queens, nobles,… that’s what comes to the mind when one thinks purple. Purple in all its tints, shades and variants is the color of royalty and superiority. It is also the color that strikes the perfect balance between both the spiritual and physical realms. It is the color of imagination and inspires high ideals. […]

Contine Reading
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Double Treatment

Now we know that some of you may just want to facepalm over this idea… but sometimes being a little overly decorative can actually be nice. To be more specific, we’re talking about treating a window with the modernity and sophistication of a blind coupled with the traditional-ness of long draping curtains – a double […]

Contine Reading
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Comfy Reading By The Window

Some vitamin D isn’t bad for you… and besides… you’re not supposed to read in the night anyway! Take a look at these cozy reading spots that are absolutely gorgeous and get some ideas rolling in your imagination – if you’re an avid reader of course. We’d advise you to use natural light since it’s […]

Contine Reading
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3 Pros Of Electric Rollers Over Manual Ones

If you’re tech-savvy, then you’ll definitely love electric roller shades for your windows at your home or your workplace. They do have an edge over manual roller you know! They’re a lot easier to use and they save even more time. Think about it – how long it normally takes you to fidget with a […]

Contine Reading
Interior Design Retro

Interior Décor: Retro

Retro – or an eccentric mix of old styles with new forms or vice versa is a highly popular style of interior décor in most urban countries. Conventionally, people mix the 50s, 60s and 70s with contemporary elements to mock up a retro interior. However the possibilities are virtually limitless as one is free to […]

Contine Reading
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Custom Décor: Roll Up Some Patriotism!

It’s always good to have a sense of patriotism lingering around in your home; keeps you connected to your roots we think. And what better way to add that feeling other than with the help of a roller blind – functional and aesthetically appealing both at the same time. And even if it’s not your […]

Contine Reading
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Color Psychology: Witness Whiteness

Scientifically speaking, white is perceived as a combination of all of the hues in the spectrum in equal proportions. White thus represents completion, wholeness and balance – all in one. Emotionally, the color white is associated with calmness and peace – it is without a shadow of doubt soothing to the eyes and soul. Untainted, […]

Contine Reading
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A Man’s Best Friend… is Your Blind’s Worst Enemy!

If you thought that pet poop was a hard-to-handle domestic issue with pets, think again. These little and sometimes not so little furry creatures can pull, cling and tear onto any and every of your interior furnishings. And believe it or not, they have a very strong affinity for your blinds – and ruining them! […]

Contine Reading
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DIY: How To Make a Simple Wallpaper Shade

Wallpapers have to be one of the coolest indoor wall treatments ever simply because they come in a virtually limitless variety of designs that you can use to personalize your space. Having said that, we’d also say that the best way to use them in a room is to have them pasted on the wall […]

Contine Reading