Interior Décor: Retro

Interior Design Retro

Retro – or an eccentric mix of old styles with new forms or vice versa is a highly popular style of interior décor in most urban countries. Conventionally, people mix the 50s, 60s and 70s with contemporary elements to mock up a retro interior. However the possibilities are virtually limitless as one is free to mix and match whatever elements they like from the past and fuse them with their own style of modern décor. And this is what makes most retro designs unique – a high level of personalization almost difficult to recreate.

Bold prints and motifs, heavy fabrics and textures, overdetailing and the overuse of color dispersed on the walls and furniture are signature to most retro styles.

Classic furniture

It’s either wood or metal. If it’s modern furniture, it’s classic lighting, and if it’s classic furniture, it’s modern lighting.

Window treatment

Window treatments are a mixture of graceful drapery in the form of curtains with simple rollers and blinds.

Modern Tren

Typically, retro styles incorporate classic objects with contemporary sensibilities. However, that’s not the only way to go about it – there are a lot of old world styles to choose from and even more moderns trends to mix them with. What’s your way of doing retro?

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