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gorgeous bay window

Fashionably Uncool Roller Treatments

We love rollers, and we love selling rollers and we’ll do anything it takes to make your interior look absolutely wow… with rollers – even if that mean we have to warn you about some things you shouldn’t be doing AT ALL!

Here are some window treatments that are a complete no go for your home.

lackluster window treatment

Okay… we don’t know what’s worse… the grill on the window or the absolutely lackluster window treatment. If you’ve got that one hideous window in your house like the one in the picture… which we’re sure you do… NEVER EVER dress it up with a solid color like that – or maybe just use something that matches the wall. Sometimes things are better left simple!

bright colors in interior décor

Playing with bright colors in interior décor is fun – but playing with two bright colors to create a mirror effect on a window is pretty much like overkill! No matter how you balance the colors with all the other furnishings, this window treatment is old school, amateurish and not at all trendy – talk about a sub-standard kids Montessor… yea… the one you wouldn’t be sending your kids toi!

gorgeous bay window

Now that is one gorgeous bay window – and used quite creatively as well we must say. But what we still can’t figure out is the purpose of all the empty space on the top. What is the point of roller shades covering only half the length? Birds can still see you from the op you know… No – you either cover the full length for a more fashionably complete look, or you simply let natural light to flow in while you enjoy a beautiful outdoor view.

horizontal stripes

Errr… speaking of fashionable, just like wide horizontal stripes are a total fashion disaster on clothes, the same seems to apply to roller shades. The Window it’s self may not have the ‘I’m looking fat’ issues that most women tend to have, but it’s just the nature of the pattern that does not seem to compliment the shape of a window. The only exceptions are those blinds you often see at offices made up of thin horizontal metallic and wooden slats or jalousie windows.

artistically unique

Now this one warrants a facepalm! Why would someone even do this in the first place? No it’s not cool or artistically unique – it’s just plain stupid! If you’re saying that the top gap in the middle allows light to illuminate the upper half of you room, then try rolling it up completely maybe? Those are some very nice rollers by the way… it’s shame they’ve been used like that.

the minimalist

Interior Decor: The Minimalist

The basic concept of minimalistic décor is to strip an interior space to a completely raw form to achieve the utmost level of simplicity. This style of interior décor became popular in the 1980’s in cities like London and New York as people ditched conventional aesthetics and began to adapt their living spaces to a faster, clutter and haste free lifestyle. Today, it is a popular style that is often blended with contemporary styles to create interesting living and work places.


Some people also associate this form of interior décor with the Japanese Zen philosophy… but more on that another time.

This style of interior decor generally plays with whiter and lighter hues – whites, neutrals, and pastels – as these colors tend to give the impression of a much bigger space which is a critical aspect of a minimalistic décor. The idea is also not to completely go about it without ornamentation, but everything is reduced to a point where it cannot be simplified any further. Basic geometric shapes, simple elements and textures without decoration and the repetition of structures can be used to represent a sense of order.


Natural light is also another key element in minimalistic décor that is used to create clean and simple spaces without having to incorporate too many overwhelming lighting fixtures and overly decorative curtains. However, blinds are a good window treatment to keep within the style as they allow the inflow of natural light.

natural light

Minimalistic storage is another tricky and clever aspect of this style. But if done well, it works like wonders.

minimalist storage

So yes… at times…less is definitely a lot more!

pink lips

Color Psychology: Pink lips!

Pink is the raw passion and power of red softened with the purity of white. Pink symbolizes nurturing, unconditional love, romance and affection. Pink calms and counters aggression and anger. Pink signifies hope and inspires. Bubblegum is pink and very much chewable… too bad cushions aren’t edible!

In interior decor, the color is often perceived as a feminine hue… which without any doubt it is. That’s also why pink is almost always used to decorate a girl’s bedroom. The whole girly-ness, Barbie and Cinderella feeling, princess fantasies… oh how cute.

relaxing interior space

relaxing interior space

Pink also translates to calmness and is a great substitute to the boring white for a simple, sophisticated and relaxing interior space.

pink interior decor

Though, the darker the pink… the more passion the mood!

dark pink interior decor

And of course… how can we forget… pink roller shades… perfectly light on the eyes. Because of the softness of the pink ambiance they create, not having blackout is a pleasant option you could consider.

pink roller shades

Feeling enough loved?

decor tips for a tidy tiny space

5 Decor Tips for a Tidy Tiny Space

Small living spaces can be quite cozy and heartwarming at times. But let’s admit…they’re difficult to keep neat and organized. You may have fewer possessions, but you even have fewer space t keep those things. Here are 5 décor essentials for maximizing the functionality and aesthetics of your rather minimalistic living space.

1: White, white and more white.

white interior

White is your interior’s best friend… in case it’s small that is. White tends to create an illusion of a bigger space, so you’d want to use this color as much as possible especially on the walls. Avoid really dark colors too.

2: The fewer the tech… the lesser the clutter.

fewer the tech

Oodles or cords and plastic casings are a great way to keep all those wires and what nots hidden and out of your way in a small space where you just might end up tripping over them.

3: Transformers… the furniture version!


Multipurpose furniture is great for small interiors… one thing serving as another when the need arises. We’re talking about consoles to dining tables, sofas to beds and doors to ironing stands amongpossibly some more. Folding chairs are fabulous!

4: Keep the fabric… in your closet only.

heavy furnishing fabrics

True that… avoid too heavy furnishing fabrics here and there… especially on the windows. Roller blinds would be awesome… they’re minimalistic, chic and low on volume.

5: Shelf it up!

Shelf it up

Shelves would be the best way to store things in a small interior. Use most of your vertical space to have as many shelves as possible to stash your favorite belongings and housefold essentials to avod too much clutter around.

overly decorative

Overly Decorative

Sure we’re living in the 21st century and everything’s all modern, scientific, chic, simplistic….. roller blind friendly, but sometimes a royal window treatment can be quite a breath of fresh air –that already sounds funny! But we think that Roman blinds are great for adding that bit of luxury to interior design that seems to be gradually dying away now. So get some fabric… and a lot more fabric to dress up your window into something that’s classic, vintage and nostalgic. We’ve already got some pretty ideas for you.





Hobbled Roman & V10



modern design

Interior Decor: Modern Design

The term ‘modern’ is a widely used one when it comes to interior décor – a bit too often we’d say for people to even know what it actually implies and is an interior space even worthy of being called a ‘modern interior.’

Interestingly, this style of interior décor was fashioned by a group of European designers that founded the Bauhaus School of Design in Germany in the late 1900s. Their philosophy was simple – form and function should combine in all designs. They defined ‘modern design’ with having a clean and sophisticated approach to functionally while avoiding unnecessary and overly excessive decorative accessories and elements that were common in other interior décor styles of the time.

In fact, modern design today is all about giving functionality more precedence over form. It focuses on the minimal use of textures and an asymmetrical balance in layout in neutral colors accented with a single bold color or two along with polished finishes.

modern interior decor

This style of interior décor is often considered most ideal for apartments and small spaces as it maximizes space and creates the illusion that a room is larger than it actually is with the usage of textures like glass and mirrors. And you will almost always see windows done in simple blinds and rollers avoiding curtains as the excessive use of fabric defies the essence of the style.

style of interior decor

Even today people sometimes feel that this style of interior decor is too simplistic in nature, harsh or cold, however when well-planned it can radiate a sense of serenity with a an edge throughout your space.

bamboo roller

DIY Tips to Making a Faux Bamboo Roller… Out of Matts

The things we do sometimes just to get the look – because… eventually they do look good. Here’s a quick DIY guide to making a fake bamboo roller out of bamboo placemats… talk about fun and functionality all rolled up together.

1: Measure the window… like we needed to tell you that! If you don’t know how, click here.

2: Collect bamboo placemats of your choice, place them out and complete your width accordingly. You might actually have to cut a matt or two to evenly balance your measurements along the width. Also adjust your intended length but cutting the placemats that are positioned on the lower end.

bamboo placemats

3: With hot liquid glue, join all the placemats together to make one big sheet of bamboo.

big sheet of bamboo

big sheet of bamboo

4: Get a nice string… of your choice to add the finishing touches. Glue a length of the string over the parts where the placemats are joining. Fold it from the top and leave an extra length at the bottom – well tell you why.


5: Start creating folds from the bottom as if your blind was rolled up and then glue the extra length of the string you left at the back to hold the folds in place. You can also glue the string on the joints on the back side to reinforce them.

creating folds

creating folds

6: Once it’s all ready, neat and clean… staple it to the holder with a staple gun and you’re good to brag about your faux bamboo roller.

faux bamboo roller

blue interior

Color Psychology: Your Wall’s Best Friend… Blue!

If you’re looking for a color that will never let you down, if you’re looking for a color that’s good at communicating – some peace and wisdom, if you’re looking for a color that doesn’t demand too much attention… then blue it is – that’s our honest opinion. The color blue generally projects most traits that we normally seek amongst ourselves – trust, faith, honesty, loyalty, bla bla – and all that. It’s peaceful, it’s relaxing and it makes you feel safe because you know you can trust it – always!

We guess that’s why it has to be one of the most popular colors for bedrooms. Blue translates to coolness and calmness when used effectively in interior decor – the perfect hue for your heavenly sanctuary of sloth. Whether it’s on the walls or on the furnishings… it’s never too loud.



But when it’s dark, blue has a lot of authority – which is why you’ll almost always find this color somewhere or the other in corporate interiors… if not fully.



And of course… blue blinds and window furnishings almost resemble the sky itself perfectly creating the illusion of an open and bigger space. Whether its fabric, wood, verticals or rollers, light blues look fabulous on the window.



Aah… and can you separate the color from its watery connections? Of course not. Swimming pools, bathrooms, kitchen… water water and more water… for life.

swimming pool


featured image copy

Custom Décor: Blinding Celebrity Light

Everyone’s been going gaga over women empowerment, so we thought why not roll up a pretty face on your roller too… a pretty female face. And no we won’t bore you with inspirational women from all over the planet… rather we’re giving you options of five starlets who’ve wooed you with their beauty, acting and vocals. Ladies and gentlemen… it’s time to ditch random paintings and family portraits on your walls and worship the goddesses of the entertainment world … on your windows!



The more you say… the lesser it feels – she is undoubtedly the undisputed queen of pop who has evolved over the years to achieve unmatchable greatness and perfection. A true icon of woman power, we feel that ditching all those random paintings for a roller of hers would be great for adding a bold statement to a simplistically modern interior. Of course… you can always roller her up to let in a ray of light!

Marilyn Monroe

marilyn monroe

Some like them organic, some like them metallic, some like them printed and some like them hot! And If you’re a hardcore Hollywood junkie… you’ll know that the last one is actually a Marilyn Monroe movie title. She’s another diva who transformed the face of Hollywood with her ethereal beauty and would do the just the same b adding a bit of vintage glamour to your interior. And since we’re feeling a bit cheesy… she won’t stop you from looking out at the Bus Stop.

Lady Gaga

lady gaga

She’s the modern face of music… she’s a rebellious piece of art… she ArtPop! Nothing would say ‘bad ass interior’ better than this grenade of a performer; perfectly modern, perfectly chic and perfectly artistic to add an edge of glory to any interior. And don’t keep her on a window… this is one Poker Face you wouldn’t want to roll.

Elizabeth Taylor

elizabeth taylor

Synonymous with glamour, luxe, beauty and the immovable strength that it takes to battle a chronic illness, Elizabeth Taylor is another face that would be great to add some panache to an otherwise boring blind and interior. Talk about taming… urrr… transforming your interior from a shrew to National Velvet… she’s quite an inspiration we’d say… and that’s something we need a lot more of these days.

Julia Roberts

julia roberts

With a million dollar smile, this pretty woman will light up any home interior… and probably a dental clinic as well. Her smile is good enough to send a cheerful spirit resonating through your space and bright enough to not even need the sunlight. And no one’s going to be running away through the windows as you’ll almost always want this one rolled down too.

By the way… who’s your female celebrity crush?

Bay Windows To Make Your Day

Bay Windows To Make Your Day

When it comes to architecture and interior décor, bay windows are like that hot piece of fudge that just came out of the oven… they’re hot. And why not? With the alcove that they create within your space, bay windows can help stir up some interesting ideas for interior décor that are not only aesthetically appealing, but also quite functional at the same time – it all depends on how you end up using the space they create. So whether it’s bedrooms, kitchens, curtains, rollers, remodeling or constructing from scratch… here an assortment of cozy, glamorous and modern bay windows for you… you just need to put on your thinking hat and get yourself a hammer, glass, some fabric… and probably a bunch of other minor essentials.